
Multiple training opportunities will be provided to the campus community to support the Ultra Experience transition.

Ultra Essentials I – Getting Started view upcoming events
This hands-on webinar focuses on planning your course roadmap for Ultra.

Ultra Essentials II – Contentview upcoming events
This hands-on webinar focuses on the essentials of using Ultra for content creation in your course.

Ultra Essentials III – Engagementview upcoming events
This hands-on webinar focuses on the essentials of using Ultra for communication and engagement in your course.

Ultra Essentials IV – Assessmentview upcoming events
This hands-on webinar focuses on the essentials of using Ultra for tests and assignments.

Ultra Essentials V – Gradingview upcoming events
This hands-on webinar focuses on the essentials of using Ultra for grading.

Ultra Experience (UX) Boot Campview upcoming events
A full-day workshop designed for faculty, instructional designers, course builders, and teaching assistants who are ready to develop courses and adopt Blackboard’s redesigned course interface. Participants will take a deep dive into the Ultra Course View including its basic course building features as well as the pedagogy and best practices for its various features.

Customized Workshops

Department Training

Instructional Technology staff will be available for department training and orientation requests. These workshops may be scheduled in 45-minute, 90-minute, half-day, or full-day sessions on pre-packaged topics or mix & match themes. For example:

  • Department A requests one 45-minute workshops, drawing from the existing Essentials series. They choose a combined approach, focusing on Assessments and Grading.
  • Department B requests a full day workshop on redesigning a course for Ultra, but schedules two separate sessions to reach different faculty schedules.
  • Department C requests a customized 2-hour workshop, focusing on engagement strategies, discussions, mobile, and analytics.

TA Training / Course Design Boot Camp (2 hours)

Instructional Technology staff are available to deliver a 2-hour workshop for Teaching Assistants on the effective use of Ultra specifically for teaching assistants. Please open an RT ticket to schedule this training.